I LOVE to craft! This was an idea I found on pinterest and my Pastor's wife asked me to make for an upcoming Ladies Meeting/Retreat. The mock up one I did, didn't turn out so hot, but practice makes perfect and I finally got them! Aren't they cute!!!! I modified the Pinterest recipe, so I'll post mine here.
2 Boxes of JELLO
paper or plastic flowers
clear vases
I make the jello just as the package instructs. Then pour it into your clean vases. Set in the refrigerator and check on them in 15 minute increments. When they are just set (you have a little resistance when you stick your finger or utensil in them) they are ready. Insert the flowers using kitchen tongs in whatever order/arrangement you desire. When they look the way you want them to, put them back in the refrigerator to finish setting up. I will take these out and set them up on the tables about 30 minutes before we eat. I will also add a bow to the vase.
I'm really pleased with how these turned out! You can use any color jello too, which is awesome!
I am Roxanne Williams. I became a Christian 34 years ago at the tender age of 4. I became a wife 16 years ago to the most wonderful man alive. We had the privilege of becoming adoptive parents to Jacob 16 months ago when I also became a Stay at Home Mom. This has been my dream and I thank God and my Husband, John for the opportunity every day.

- Roxanne Williams
- Kansas, United States
- This started out as a blog about our domestic adoption. So all of the older posts are about that journey. It was an interesting one, and it led us to our son, Jacob. My dream since I was a little girl was typical of most little girls. I wanted to get married, and have children and be a stay at home Mom. Although, not a very popular choice for a profession now a day, I find it very rewarding. As a matter of fact, every day is an adventure! I've been told personally that the stay at home Mom profession isn't 'work', but spend a day with me and you'll see just how much 'work' it is!!! It's blessed work!