My Mom called in January and said that she wanted to move down to Kansas with us. So we decided July would be a good time to move. When we were making plans to make the move, my best friend from home said that my home church wanted to give us a baby shower. The agency said not to make plans for this sort of thing in the little manual that we read; however, we thought that this was a special circumstance. So Friday nite, July 2nd Twin Ports Baptist Church had a baby shower for us. It was SO much fun!!!! We played some awesome games, my friend, Kim did a fantastic job on the devotions, the food was great! It was so good to see everyone! We played the melted candy bars in the diaper game (OH MY GOODNESS! SO FUNNY!). We also played a multi-tasking game. We had to hold a baby, carry on a conversation on a cell phone and hang up 15 pieces of baby clothing on a clothesline. It was a HOOT!!!! I won the first round...by a sock, but lost the final round...also by a sock. I was SO sore the next few days. We got a bunch of clothes (mostly boys clothes, but some girls clothes too); a handprint, footprint frames and a bank frame; some stuffed animals; and a carseat/stroller combo. It was SO cute! Anyway...here are a few pictures of the shower! THANKS Rach and Twin Ports Baptist Church for a wonderful shower!!!!! =)
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