Jacob is a good boy...usually. He LOVES people & is very social. He walks into Church & starts shaking hands with everyone. Although he doesn't go to everyone, sometimes he puts his hand out & makes people come to him. We bring our the little New Testament & we bring our offering every Sunday & we put it in our little Church offering 'box'. Anyway, he's learning! He IS a good boy, but you keep him upstairs with you in 'big' church and after the song service the Devil gets him wiggling & he starts getting noisy and into everything. I know 16 months is a little young to be expecting him to sit through a Church service, but we are 'training' him. So I found this cute little toddler size pew at the local antique store for $10 & I bought it and brought it home & set it up in the living room. He loves to sit in it. I'll turn on his Sunday School Song DVD and he sits there & watches it, & dances some, & claps his hands. We will soon add some quick Bible stories to the mix and we'll work on sitting good. I have a picture of Jesus and a Bible that I printed off & put on the wall. Throughout the day, I say, "Where's Jesus?" He points to the picture. "Jesus loves you!" Jake smiles. He says, "BBBBB" when I say, "Where's the Bible?" & he likes to pat my Bible on the desk. I like what Michelle Duggar said about training your children. "If they won't listen to our voice, how will they ever listen to GOD when He speaks to them!" I want Jacob to have a blessed life, so I will train him to listen to my voice, but especially GOD's voice. I'm working on a 'quiet' book for church as well. We are blanket training & Jacob is very receptive to it. He loves sitting on a blanket & getting to play with some toys he doesn't usually get to play with. We make it fun! A friend just got the New Testament cricut cartridge & I'm borrowing the Noah cricut cartridge. I want to make some Bible stories to go over. We are also starting to go over the Bible verse, "God is love." It's so much fun to teach him about God, and Church. We pray every day (sometimes several times a day), that as soon as he understands about salvation that he will ask Jesus into his heart & always be sensitive to the Holy Spirit! We are trying to be an example of this as well. Thank you, LORD, for allowing us to live in a country where we can do this!
I am Roxanne Williams. I became a Christian 34 years ago at the tender age of 4. I became a wife 16 years ago to the most wonderful man alive. We had the privilege of becoming adoptive parents to Jacob 16 months ago when I also became a Stay at Home Mom. This has been my dream and I thank God and my Husband, John for the opportunity every day.

- Roxanne Williams
- Kansas, United States
- This started out as a blog about our domestic adoption. So all of the older posts are about that journey. It was an interesting one, and it led us to our son, Jacob. My dream since I was a little girl was typical of most little girls. I wanted to get married, and have children and be a stay at home Mom. Although, not a very popular choice for a profession now a day, I find it very rewarding. As a matter of fact, every day is an adventure! I've been told personally that the stay at home Mom profession isn't 'work', but spend a day with me and you'll see just how much 'work' it is!!! It's blessed work!
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